
a little bit of everything

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Junior Prom.  Obviously, I constructed and designed my own dress :).  
Once I have my macbook I promise to post everyday (or just about)
Just waiting for the new mac and it will be all good.
The Shwayze&Mickey Avalon Concert was amazing.
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I wore a custom pair of denim shorts today (were formerly plain gray skinny jeans, but I changed them up a bit).  I got a bunch of compliments and I kinda love them.

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The New AA Drawstring Tank Dress would look amazing with a wide neutral belt at the waist, I'm probably gonna buy it this weekend.  A bit obsessed.
I decided to throw a huge party for my 17th birthday. June 12.  Couldn't be more chic then a nighttime outdoor white party (with a pool and some ill music).  Not really sure what I'll wear yet.  I have senior prom before that.  
Oh, by the way, I've gone blonder since you've last seen me.  It's pretty suttle though.
*start listening at 1:10.  One of my friends introduced me to it. love it.


K'arhol said...

this guy is A W E S O M E !! ^^lol
u too .... sweetest couple ever !!

Lenaa said...

Those black heels..

cute couple!!


Esmée said...

Nice prom dress, and really cute friend;)


C.Chico said...

thats an awesome prom dress! hope u had fun

daisy kate said...

Thank you for commenting my blog and reading :)
I love your dress, I wish I could make dresses! And I absolutely need need need your heels! They are stunning.
Kate ♥ www.dazedyoungmess.blogspot.com

Annie said...

your dress is fabulous.
it's way cool that you made your own for prom, i don't know if i would be brave enough to attempt that.
and your date is cute.


Gabrielle. said...

thanks, darlin'.
those shoes of yours...woah! super high! but real cute.
...along with that boytoy of yours.


Bubbly Lifestyle said...

WOW, is this dress designed by you!? AM-A-ZING:O!!
you're very talented!

Vera said...

I love the dress you made, it's super lovely! And your shoes are fierce. Looking absolutely fantastic, babe!

marie said...

that dress is gorgeous, you´re very talented!!!!

boubou said...

lovely photos :) cool blog im gonna visit it now :)
well if you wanna be inspired by my collages or just dreaming come and visit my blog :)
a bientot:
Boubouteatime xx

fritha louise said...

amazing dress! great job

Anonymous said...

Really cute dress!

Devon said...

gorgeous dress! x

Kaila said...

those shoes are amazing!!

Lydia O'Connor said...

You have officially made me want to have a white party for my birthday. So Gossip Girl in the Hamptons episode.
I love the stripe detailing on the side of those shorts. And amazing job on the prom dress. It looks great on you! I hope you had fun at prom!

Vintage Lollipops said...

The dress is amazing! xxx

SHIZUKA said...

wow you're gorgeous. love the shorts and your sunnies and your house! everythings beautiful! x

Anonymous said...

Great Prom dress.
And the shorts look really cool.

The Queen of Hearts said...

Rewind: who makes those killer heels??

bisou-joue said...

love the black high heels !!!
thanks for your comment !