
Maxi Dresses

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Both from Urban Outfitters. I'm really liking the one on the left, now that I'm adjusting to the maxi-dress. The one on the right is still just okay for me. I don't know if I'd feel like a walking graphic print though, in a weird way. It's almost like a walking advertisement (like JUICY GIRLS RULE, JUICY COUTURE QUEEN). I'd feel like the walking advertisement for the maxi dress in something so bold.


simimoon said...

i prefer the one on the right, beccause its more toned down you can accessorize!

Richel said...

I'm loving maxi dresses. They really make me want to live in some sort of tropical island where the ends of the dress just skirt the sand.

Kimberley said...

I adore maxi's you should really go for it!
